Yoga Mats – What to Look For?

Yoga has caught on with other various types of workout regimes and become the preferred routine that promises flexibility and strength. With many people opting for yoga routines, it is not surprising how the sale of yoga mats have sky rocketed. You will hear professionals and experienced yoga practitioner raving about their yoga mats, which they will unabashedly claim to be the best grip yoga mat. However, is it the right one for you? How do you find the right yoga mat for you? Read on to know.

1. Reflect on your needs.

Reflect on your body type, the type of exercise you will be performing, and the location of your workout before zeroing in on the mat of your choice. These seemingly unimportant factors are indeed important, as they will dictate the required thickness of the mat, texture, and weight of the mat. For instance, if you work out outdoors, you will need the best grip yoga mat.

2. Thickness and density.

Typically, yoga mats come in three categories of varying thickness levels. High-end, average, and ultra-portable. The foremost comes heavily padded and appears tough, making it an ideal contender for gym enthusiasts. The average yoga mat offers a combination of portability and toughness while the ultra-portable mats are light.

3. Material

When you begin searching for the best grip yoga mats, you will learn that such mats are made using a variety of materials. The commonly seen materials include PVC, foam, rubber, cotton, and jute. PVC mats although durable and comfortable are nonbiodegradable and infamously harmful for the environment. Rubber and foam mats are good and strong alternatives to PVC mats. Cotton and jute mats are among the most eco-friendly mats.

4. Size

Often disregarded as an important feature, the best grip yoga mat is the one that is just right in size. While the width of yoga mats are standard, the length of mats vary. Because yoga involves lying-down poses, you will require long yoga mats.

5. Maintenance

No matter the kind of yoga mat you choose, it needs to be one that is easy to take care of. Mats get easily soiled; therefore, they need to be easy to clean and maintain thereafter. With varying materials, maintenance techniques also vary. PVC and synthetic mats can be cleaned using a wet sponge or a light soap and water mix. Mats made of natural materials, on the other hand, must be cleaned with a sponge and a generous volume of warm water.

Do not let any hindrance affect your fitness journey. Use this guide to purchase the best grip yoga mat and revel in the joy of a fantastic fitness regime. Use a combination of these factors to purchase the best grip yoga mat for yourself, right away.

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